Twenty. The year you slowly let go of the grasp of childhood, and prepare to submerge yourself into the world’s grown-up complexities. When you’re too old to blame your mistakes on naïveté, but too young to blame it on alcohol. It’s a year of searching, of finding, of growing. And for me, it's going to be the year I do this.

As I blew out the candles on my birthday this year, I made one wish: that this year would be one full of happiness, adventure, and love. But I know that this won't be made possible just by wishing, but by doing. So I made a list of all the things that I want to do before I turn twenty-one, to make this year one of the good ones. The dreams on the list may be grandiose or simple, whimsical or serious. Whatever they are, they speak to my heart, bring joy to my soul, challenge my fears, and will make for a very good twentieth year.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Here we go...

The beginning: I can only hope that my twentieth birthday was indicative of the adventure that is to come this year. Joy filled every facet of my being from the minute the clock turned midnight until the smile on my face melted into the pillow and remnants of the day's laughter metamorphosed into sweet dreams. I celebrated on Friday, Saturday and my actual birthday, Sunday. Nothing crossed off of the list yet, but it was still a list-worthy adventure...

From dancing my heart out at my B-Themed party with my friends (i was a bollywood star)...
to soaking in the beautiful weather on a breathtaking birthday drive....
To dancing to my favorite song when the clock struck midnight...
Enjoying my day (and the weather) at my favorite place with some of my favorite people....
and FINALLY making my wish....

It was more than I could have asked for. So while I don't have the crossing off of a list item for you all, i do have a promise. On the inside of my mother's birthday card to me, she wrote: "Keep on living life to the fullest like you do." I fully intend on doing so.


  1. Dear Bethy,
    I think it's great that you're doing this.
    I hope you get all of your list checked off.
    and remember, I'm here for you if you need any assistance.
    Love, Monica

    ps i love you! =)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Yayyy! Glad to see you started a blog! Beautiful photos my dear!
